The next few days will be miserable outside, so what better time to sit by the fire with a good book? Finding, Buying and Developing a Ranch in South Texas is a quick read in two parts. Part 1 covers looking for a ranch, assessing it, and the buying process. Where do I want to be? What soils are best for my goals? Can I enjoy a ranch without owning any minerals?
Part 2 of the book goes into developing your new ranch, discussing improvements, wildlife, brush management and water. Should I high fence? How big a place do I need for quail? Should I run cows on my ranch? Lots of good information gathered during my 40 years as a biologist in South Texas.
The e-book is free, just click Home and then click on Download FREE e-book. No obligation and I won’t bother you unless you call me first. Settle in, throw a log on the fire, and read a good book.