Category: Wildlife Management

The South Texas Sand Sheet, What’s the Big Deal?

As a certified wildlife biologist representing ranch buyers, particularly those wanting to hunt Bobwhite quail, I am often tasked with finding something in the “sand sheet”.  What is the sand sheet and why does it have the reputation of being the very best quail country in Texas, or the world for that matter?   The […]


   This tract lies SE of Anywhere and has a history of intensive cattle stocking.  The previous owner ran a cell system on this place and much of it had been cleared and planted to Kleingrass.  Remnant clumps of Kleingrass can still be seen and they provide excellent nesting cover.  There are is one high-fenced […]


The next few days will be miserable outside, so what better time to sit by the fire with a good book? Finding, Buying and Developing a Ranch in South Texas is a quick read in two parts. Part 1 covers looking for a ranch, assessing it, and the buying process. Where do I want to […]

Managing Bobwhite Quail on a Smaller Tract in South Texas

   Quail are in trouble in South-Central Texas and it can be frustrating to be a quail hunter in a poor year.  Perhaps the biggest reason for the decline in quail numbers is the fragmentation of the habitat across the state combined   Sorry, but not everyone can be an heir to a big ranch and, […]

Timing is Everything

As the old saying goes, timing is everything. For those wildlife managers that have started their cool season discing, kudos! For those that have not, it’s time to make plans and check the oil in the tractor. Fall or cool-season discing is the cheapest way to supplement the Bobwhite diet. Of course, most wildlife benefits […]

Fire and the Plow in the Deep Sandy Country Revisited

Bobwhite quail management requires attention to the weather and the calendar.

Disappointment in the Red Sandy Country

What if you do everything right and still don’t have quail?


What impact will the recent rain have on South Texas?  Coming in early Fall, after a very dry Summer, the moisture will still be effective due to the continued warmer temperatures.  Had it come much later, cooler temps would have negated much of the impact short term.  Moisture is always welcome, but, like fixing a […]

Still Too Early to Shred

Saw this guy dart across the road on the Rockpile and drop into the first cover he hit.  Still very young and, as you can see, still in the “freezing” mode.  I drove up at took this pic leaning out the window and he never budged.  So I ask my readers to hold off another […]