Category: South Texas Wildlife Management

Dove AND Quail In One Hunt; A Bird Dog Smorgasbord

Late season dove hunting has never been particularly productive for me, most likely because I have never really tried.  The first season is easy, find a stocktank and just get comfortable. As a long time Lab owner, Ruby is my fifth, I really enjoy wing shooting over a tank and watching the dog do what […]

The South Texas Sand Sheet, What’s the Big Deal?

As a certified wildlife biologist representing ranch buyers, particularly those wanting to hunt Bobwhite quail, I am often tasked with finding something in the “sand sheet”.  What is the sand sheet and why does it have the reputation of being the very best quail country in Texas, or the world for that matter?   The […]

Nature Defiant in the Face of Drought

Almost 70 years (in July) and I am still amazed by the resiliency of South Texas flora. As you can see below, Texas, and Medina Co. just west of San Antonio, where the Rockpile Ranch is located, is in a severe drought. Bluebonnets came up in profusion, but about half flowered weakly then went to […]

Childhood Dream Comes True

As a young boy I loved the outdoors and was blessed with “woods” just outside the back door. Perhaps a thousand acres of floodplain, the land could not be developed and thus was an island in the midst of San Antonio growth to the north. I walked every acre, fought off Indians and bad guys, […]

Opening Day! Take a Kid Hunting!

Hunting is a great way to get young people outside and learn stewardship of Nature.

Drought, Heat, and now, Termites!

I moved my “rental cows” to my best pasture today, a plot of good carry-over grass from last year. While I was saving the pasture for later, agricultural termites have moved in and are quickly spreading. Nothing but a good rain will subdue them, so the cows need to graze what little grass is left. […]

Long Term Effects of Good fences and Poor Management

Driving on a back road yesterday, I noticed a glaring example of poor grazing management. One side with thick carry over forage from last year, one side bare dirt. I know we are in a drought, I know some managers are hurting financially, but overgrazing is never the answer. Admittedly, the one on the left […]

Baby Fawns Everywhere, Be Careful and Hold Up On Mowing

It’s that time of year, fawns are starting to drop and we Humans need to be very observant and cautious. Fawns are left by the does between feedings, sometimes well-hidden, sometimes not. Natural camouflage works in most instances, but they can be left out in the open, too. Please refrain from shredding for a few […]

Water for Wildlife in Drought

In South Texas, it is important at times to provide supplemental water for wildlife.


   This tract lies SE of Anywhere and has a history of intensive cattle stocking.  The previous owner ran a cell system on this place and much of it had been cleared and planted to Kleingrass.  Remnant clumps of Kleingrass can still be seen and they provide excellent nesting cover.  There are is one high-fenced […]