Put the Tractor in the Barn for Awhile

I was at the Rockpile, my small place south of Castroville the other day to check on the “rental cows”, cows that belong to a friend but spend the summer at my place just to keep the grass down and the taxes low and noticed this guy laying in the left rut.

Fawn at Rockpile 2

Sights such as this are the main reason I went into wildlife and why I sell ranches in Texas.  Nature is amazing and every once in awhile you stumble across a a sight that melts the trials and turmoil of life away exposing you to the grandeur of Nature.  This fawn had eyelashes a foot long, beautiful spotting and tiny hooves with big ears.  As I eased past in the truck, he/she was watching and was breathing fast, but would not move.  That is why it is so important to avoid shredding/plowing during May/June.  These fawns and other wildlife young instinctively react to danger by freezing and will not bolt at the sound of a truck or tractor, no matter how loud.  I came back later and the doe had moved her charge into the shade for the rest of the day.

Two important takeaways from this post.  First, it is important to get out into Nature and observe the beauty and diversity of the South Texas flora/fauna.  If you can’t afford land, Texas has a variety of great parks and Wildlife Management Areas for you and your kids to explore.  Second, while out there, remember you are but one species out of thousands in the wild.  When you step outdoors, you’re in their environment, their house.  Be respectful.

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