Spot Check of Habitat Conditions

In my travels this week, I have been from Castroville to Encino, down to Pearsall, back to Falfurrias, then out to D’hanis and of course to my small place south of Castroville.  Key indicators I look for are native sunflower and croton.

Overall conditions are very good and remain green although there are some dry spots and this heat will soon suck the moisture out of the ground.  Amazing what rain does to croton.  In the pictures below, one disk strip got rain, the other did not.


I flushed a large brood on the Mack Ranch at a fallow food plot, and saw pairs as well as dove all over the ranch.  Did not see turkey, but have seen young of the year on the ground, so may be around, just didn’t chance on them.  Might have had some luck if I had put Ruby on the job!


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