Tag: texas ranch marketing

Buying Land? Do Your Homework!

The internet is a source of information that a prospective ranch buyer can access to save time and trouble.

Flaming Hot Rural Land Market Slows as Buyers Pull Back

Research just out from the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M by Dr. Charles Gilliland indicates that the recent buying frenzy is dying down and ranch buyers are becoming more selective. https://mailchi.mp/mays/reporttexas-rural-land-buying-frenzy-wanes What is the take away from this? It means buyers once again have the luxury to be more selective, taking their time to […]

Stress Driving Buyers Out to the Country

The last 18 months have been increasingly stressful for Texans.  This seems to have resulted in a “land boom” for country tracts.  In a very interesting article from Bizjournals, Dr. Charles Gilliland from the Texas A&M Real Estate Center reports a 28.9% increase in rural land sales.  I have experienced this surge here in Medina […]

Covid Pandemic has a Silver Lining

With all the depressing news about Covid, it is uplifting to see some good come out of it. Across the United States, hunting and fishing license sales are greatly increased due to the pandemic. Texas is no exception. This is good news for several reasons. First of all, it means increased revenues to Texas Parks […]

Timing is Everything

As the old saying goes, timing is everything. For those wildlife managers that have started their cool season discing, kudos! For those that have not, it’s time to make plans and check the oil in the tractor. Fall or cool-season discing is the cheapest way to supplement the Bobwhite diet. Of course, most wildlife benefits […]

Deja Vu All Over Again

It is deja vu all over again at Rockpile Ranch. We just received a nice 3 inch rain on Rockpile after a hot, dry Summer. The difference is, this time the rain was followed by very cool nights, 43 this morning, with a chance of a freeze tonight. Unfortunately, this rain will not revive the […]

The 544 Acre Ranch Has a Happy New Owner!

We just closed on the sale of the Mack Ranch in Medina Co.. Listed during Covid and sold during Covid. Easily the best part of my work involves matching buyers with their dream ranch. Although this was my own listing, I represented the seller 12 years ago when he bought it, and the ranch has […]

Rejuvenating Walk at the Ranch Today with Ruby

Instead of listening to the incessant empty talking heads of the media, I took an extra long walk at the ranch today to restore tranquility. I’d much rather look at Ruby’s butt moving through the brush than anything on TV or the web. Said an extra prayer for a peaceful election, but doubt I have […]

Ruby is Five Years Old Today!

Such an amazing dog that has enriched and no doubt lengthened my life. A bit standoffish at first, she has warmed up to me and Eileen a lot in five years. Sometimes, she still thinks she is a puppy and curls up in her tiny puppy bed. Other times, she is the Master of the […]

Jim Mullen Now Offering Concierge Brokerage Service to Ranch Buyers.

Brokers/agencies that advertise ranches represent the SELLER, not you. I can represent YOU at no cost, giving you the edge when looking, negotiating, and buying your ranch. Ranches are complex, made up of location, soils, vegetation, weather, history, improvements, minerals, and price. Everybody should have experienced advice when comparing ranches. With 35 years as a […]