Category: Wildlife Guzzlers

Tricks for Selling a Ranch in a Drought (or improving the one you keep)

As the drought continues, coupled with scorching heat, ranch sales continue. The uncertain stock market, record inflation, and the housing boom are all fueling ranch buyers with money to invest. If you are thinking of selling, water seems to be the biggest indicator of a “good” ranch. I recently represented the buyer on a ranch […]

Water for Wildlife in Drought

In South Texas, it is important at times to provide supplemental water for wildlife.

Managing Bobwhite Quail on a Smaller Tract in South Texas

   Quail are in trouble in South-Central Texas and it can be frustrating to be a quail hunter in a poor year.  Perhaps the biggest reason for the decline in quail numbers is the fragmentation of the habitat across the state combined   Sorry, but not everyone can be an heir to a big ranch and, […]

Tree Ducks Find the Feeder!

Built out of left-over PVC pieces and hardware cloth, this raised feeder with a store-bought feed bin finally saw some action. Known as Black-bellied tree ducks or Mexican whistling ducks, these birds nest in tree crags. Beautiful if somewhat subdued plumage, they actually sound as if they are whistling when in flight. More info below. […]

Great Little Family Ranch SOLD

DESCRIPTION:  This tract is incredibly unique for two reasons; first, it has been in the same family since Castroville was settled, well over 150 years ago, and second, it is still in its native state.  Except for minimal roadways and wildlife senderros/food plots, the ranch appears as it was when first viewed by Alsatian settlers […]


What impact will the recent rain have on South Texas?  Coming in early Fall, after a very dry Summer, the moisture will still be effective due to the continued warmer temperatures.  Had it come much later, cooler temps would have negated much of the impact short term.  Moisture is always welcome, but, like fixing a […]

Back to Quail Nirvana

At a clients request, I drove to Aspermont to preview a ranch that has just come on the market. Although a long way from South Texas, I always enjoy the drive and seeing some really good country. This place is ideal for quail, composed entirely of Nobscot sand, key to quail numbers in that part […]

Managing the Smaller Ranch

While it is a fact that most of us Texans or Texas-transplants cannot own a 10,000 acre spread, or a 1,000 acres for that matter, does not mean we cannot manage and enjoy what piece of this great State we are lucky enough to own. Whether you own 30 acres or 300, there are still […]

Chapter 2-2.  Developing Your Water Assets.

That living chunk of dirt with all its inhabitants that you just bought, now known as “The Ranch”, can get along for a time without food, but not without water.  Certainly, rainfall will replenish moisture in the soil, which takes care of the amoebas, worms and insects.  Others, like Bobwhites, snakes and javelina, get by […]

Easy Way to Add Wildlife Water in Remote Areas

A wildlife rain water collection system need not be a major project.  Below are pictures of a “wildlife guzzler” I build in remote areas that are short of well water or ponds.  FYI, a one inch rain on a 10 ft. by 12 ft. roof will yield 75 gallons of water! Start with 6 “T” […]