Category: Outdoors

Stuck in Neutral, South Texas Needs Rain!

On a recent consulting job, the continuing drought in South Texas was brought home to me. As I was in eastern Frio Co., about 12 miles E-SE of Pearsall, it was not as bad as last weeks visit to Artesia Wells, but still sobering. This particular ranch is mostly a deep sand and as such, […]

Covid Pandemic has a Silver Lining

With all the depressing news about Covid, it is uplifting to see some good come out of it. Across the United States, hunting and fishing license sales are greatly increased due to the pandemic. Texas is no exception. This is good news for several reasons. First of all, it means increased revenues to Texas Parks […]

Timing is Everything

As the old saying goes, timing is everything. For those wildlife managers that have started their cool season discing, kudos! For those that have not, it’s time to make plans and check the oil in the tractor. Fall or cool-season discing is the cheapest way to supplement the Bobwhite diet. Of course, most wildlife benefits […]

Rejuvenating Walk at the Ranch Today with Ruby

Instead of listening to the incessant empty talking heads of the media, I took an extra long walk at the ranch today to restore tranquility. I’d much rather look at Ruby’s butt moving through the brush than anything on TV or the web. Said an extra prayer for a peaceful election, but doubt I have […]

Fire and the Plow in the Deep Sandy Country Revisited

Bobwhite quail management requires attention to the weather and the calendar.

Disappointment in the Red Sandy Country

What if you do everything right and still don’t have quail?

Video-Rental Cows

Put the Tractor in the Barn for Awhile

I was at the Rockpile, my small place south of Castroville the other day to check on the “rental cows”, cows that belong to a friend but spend the summer at my place just to keep the grass down and the taxes low and noticed this guy laying in the left rut. Sights such as […]

The New “Normal”

Life goes on in spite of the Corona Virus. Nature is a great balm for a troubled soul.