Tag: shooting

Opening Day! Take a Kid Hunting!

Hunting is a great way to get young people outside and learn stewardship of Nature.

Nine Days of Nirvana!

The nine day overlap of dove and quail season in the South Zone is heaven for bird hunters.

Remembering Zucker on Opening Day

On opening day of the South Zone dove season, I have to look back at one of my best dogs and share again the tale of her last outing.  

Dove Season Starts Tomorrow; Is Fido Ready?

          With the opening of the North Zone tomorrow, thousands of Texans will be heading afield in search of dove.  Lucky hunters will enjoy the companionship of a dog.  It is critical to watch your dog closely for heat exhaustion.  Many retrievers are also house dogs and have been inside so […]

Bobwhites are Pairing Up!

 I am getting reports that pairs of Bobwhites are showing up all over South Texas so with eternal optimism, I pray for a great hatch.  Last season was very bad over most of Texas, even in areas where the birds normally do well.  As usual, I get reports of pairs where people say there simply […]

Doom And Gloom? Not So Fast; South Texas Ranch Prices Six Months Into Covid

Readers of my blog will remember that I addressed Covid and it’s potential effect on ranch prices at the onset of the pandemic.  I postulated that the crisis would have a similar effect as that of the 2008 financial crisis and it appears I was correct, so far. In a recent presentation, Dr. Charles Gilliland […]

Bootcamp for Ruby (and her boss!)

In spite of Covid and social unrest, my thoughts are turning to a cold drink and a hot shotgun on the edge of a stocktank or sunflower field.  Summer is upon us and we only have to endure another six weeks and bird season is here!  What better way to social distance than sitting on […]

Put the Tractor in the Barn for Awhile

I was at the Rockpile, my small place south of Castroville the other day to check on the “rental cows”, cows that belong to a friend but spend the summer at my place just to keep the grass down and the taxes low and noticed this guy laying in the left rut. Sights such as […]

Uncertain About the Economy? Covid Got You Spooked? Buy a Ranch!

Below are my sales for the last several years.  I deal in ranches from 200 acres and up, and work with buyers who primarily want their ranch for wildlife enjoyment, with or without extensive management.  The buyers come from all walks of life; some pay cash, some use financing, all variations with wildlife as the […]