The internet is a source of information that a prospective ranch buyer can access to save time and trouble.
Is It Time For Your Dream To come True?
A Ranch Contract Starts With 11 Pages of Fine Print; You Need Representation.
Ranch brokers in Texas are required to use contracts formulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission. The Farm and Ranch contract runs to 11 pages and with addendums and exhibits, can grow to 20 pages. Even at that, not every aspect of the land is addressed leaving a lot of questions. And, while calling in […]
Water for Wildlife in Drought
In South Texas, it is important at times to provide supplemental water for wildlife.
Has Texas’ land rush run its course? Record year ends with quarterly sales decline
NEWS RELEASE FROM THE REAL ESTATE CENTER AT TEXAS A&M A year in which Texas rural land sales reached unprecedented highs ended with a surprising slowdown. Total land sales for 2021 surpassed 2020 by 17.8 percent. That was despite a fourth quarter with 953 fewer sales than the same period of 2020. “There were […]
Nine Days of Nirvana!
The nine day overlap of dove and quail season in the South Zone is heaven for bird hunters.
Small Tract Feeding Frenzy!
In an earlier post, I mentioned that smaller rural tracts were in great demand here in Medina Co. This was not reflected in the stats from the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M, so I asked what size acreage was being tracked. Turns out, the tract size was concealing the boom. Once adjusted for 50 […]
Stress Driving Buyers Out to the Country
The last 18 months have been increasingly stressful for Texans. This seems to have resulted in a “land boom” for country tracts. In a very interesting article from Bizjournals, Dr. Charles Gilliland from the Texas A&M Real Estate Center reports a 28.9% increase in rural land sales. I have experienced this surge here in Medina […]
TEXAS LAND, The Only Retirement Investment You Can Walk On!
In times of social and economic uncertainty, land, raw or improved, is a great comfort. Two hundred acres or twenty thousand, land in Texas is valuable and getting more so daily. Drop me a line and we can start the search for your getaway in South Texas or the Hill Country.
Great Little Family Ranch SOLD
DESCRIPTION: This tract is incredibly unique for two reasons; first, it has been in the same family since Castroville was settled, well over 150 years ago, and second, it is still in its native state. Except for minimal roadways and wildlife senderros/food plots, the ranch appears as it was when first viewed by Alsatian settlers […]