Tag: deer management

Long Term Effects of Good fences and Poor Management

Driving on a back road yesterday, I noticed a glaring example of poor grazing management. One side with thick carry over forage from last year, one side bare dirt. I know we are in a drought, I know some managers are hurting financially, but overgrazing is never the answer. Admittedly, the one on the left […]

Baby Fawns Everywhere, Be Careful and Hold Up On Mowing

It’s that time of year, fawns are starting to drop and we Humans need to be very observant and cautious. Fawns are left by the does between feedings, sometimes well-hidden, sometimes not. Natural camouflage works in most instances, but they can be left out in the open, too. Please refrain from shredding for a few […]

50 Years in the Brush Country of South Texas and Never Leave Your Armchair

To celebrate three years of blogging, I ask you to peruse my efforts writing about ecology, wildlife management, bird dogs, and life in the brush country. My Blog

Great Little Family Ranch SOLD

DESCRIPTION:  This tract is incredibly unique for two reasons; first, it has been in the same family since Castroville was settled, well over 150 years ago, and second, it is still in its native state.  Except for minimal roadways and wildlife senderros/food plots, the ranch appears as it was when first viewed by Alsatian settlers […]

Covid Pandemic has a Silver Lining

With all the depressing news about Covid, it is uplifting to see some good come out of it. Across the United States, hunting and fishing license sales are greatly increased due to the pandemic. Texas is no exception. This is good news for several reasons. First of all, it means increased revenues to Texas Parks […]

Jim Mullen Now Offering Concierge Brokerage Service to Ranch Buyers.

Brokers/agencies that advertise ranches represent the SELLER, not you. I can represent YOU at no cost, giving you the edge when looking, negotiating, and buying your ranch. Ranches are complex, made up of location, soils, vegetation, weather, history, improvements, minerals, and price. Everybody should have experienced advice when comparing ranches. With 35 years as a […]

Doom And Gloom? Not So Fast; South Texas Ranch Prices Six Months Into Covid

Readers of my blog will remember that I addressed Covid and it’s potential effect on ranch prices at the onset of the pandemic.  I postulated that the crisis would have a similar effect as that of the 2008 financial crisis and it appears I was correct, so far. In a recent presentation, Dr. Charles Gilliland […]

South Texas Ranch Sales During Covid

Has Covid affected ranch sales?