For many years, residential property sales were dominated by the agent. The listing agent listed a house, a buyer’s agent brought a buyer, and after some negotiation, the sale went through, over and over millions of times a year across the U.S.. In the Digital Age, that scenario may be on the way out as […]
Book Excerpt: When to Buy Your Ranch
Section III. Timing Your Purchase and Improvements Does it make any difference when you buy your ranch, when you high fence a ranch, when you dig a new stocktank? In this section, I provide some suggestions as to when to implement your plans, either for buying or developing your new ranch. Ch. 3-1: When to […]
Another Day as a Ranch Broker
Great day previewing a solid deer/quail/dove ranch in deep South Texas.
Still Too Early to Shred
Saw this guy dart across the road on the Rockpile and drop into the first cover he hit. Still very young and, as you can see, still in the “freezing” mode. I drove up at took this pic leaning out the window and he never budged. So I ask my readers to hold off another […]
Chapter 2-4. Managing Whitetail Deer
Over the course of 35 years in the wildlife consulting business, I have seen management emphasis change from cow-calf operations with deer leasing as an adjunct to pure deer programs with no cows and the agricultural exemption from ad valorem taxes granted for wildlife management alone. Whitetail deer are big business in Texas, all over […]
Chapter 2-1: What IS a Ranch?
Now that you own a ranch, what is a ranch, what is it you own? A ranch, be it 10 acres or 10,000 acres is a living machine. It takes in moisture and sunlight and converts them into food, food for animals, insects, and plants. Such a machine is known as an ecosystem. A square […]
Bluebonnets Are Up!
Some may not know that Bluebonnets actually sprout about now and lie close to the ground until Spring. So, if you’re giving your lawn one last cutting before Winter, set it high so you don’t damage young Bluebonnets. Out on the range, look for young native sunflower that has a similar life history, sprouting in […]
6,000 Acres of the Best Hunting in South Texas
I really love my job! Yesterday I had the pleasure of showing 6,000 acres of ideal quail habitat deep inside the King Ranch to a prospect. We drove for miles through great habitat that, after 30 inches of rain, has never looked better. In fact, this ranch needs only judicious grazing/burning/discing to make it the […]
Chapter 1-6. Actions before and After Closing
Once you have reached an agreement with the Seller and the contract has been receipted at a title company, there are several actions you need to monitor. First of all, ensure that a surveyor has been retained and has all the documentation possible to do his job. Even if the Seller is paying for the […]
Ruby Turns 3!
Sharing your life with a good dog is like having a non-judgmental best friend that just doesn’t talk much. Ruby is finally out of the puppy stage and has matured into a companion looking for ways to please.