In South Texas, it is important at times to provide supplemental water for wildlife.
This tract lies SE of Anywhere and has a history of intensive cattle stocking. The previous owner ran a cell system on this place and much of it had been cleared and planted to Kleingrass. Remnant clumps of Kleingrass can still be seen and they provide excellent nesting cover. There are is one high-fenced […]
50 Years in the Brush Country of South Texas and Never Leave Your Armchair
To celebrate three years of blogging, I ask you to peruse my efforts writing about ecology, wildlife management, bird dogs, and life in the brush country. My Blog
Managing Bobwhite Quail on a Smaller Tract in South Texas
Quail are in trouble in South-Central Texas and it can be frustrating to be a quail hunter in a poor year. Perhaps the biggest reason for the decline in quail numbers is the fragmentation of the habitat across the state combined Sorry, but not everyone can be an heir to a big ranch and, […]
Bobwhites are Pairing Up!
I am getting reports that pairs of Bobwhites are showing up all over South Texas so with eternal optimism, I pray for a great hatch. Last season was very bad over most of Texas, even in areas where the birds normally do well. As usual, I get reports of pairs where people say there simply […]
Stuck in Neutral, South Texas Needs Rain!
On a recent consulting job, the continuing drought in South Texas was brought home to me. As I was in eastern Frio Co., about 12 miles E-SE of Pearsall, it was not as bad as last weeks visit to Artesia Wells, but still sobering. This particular ranch is mostly a deep sand and as such, […]
What impact will the recent rain have on South Texas? Coming in early Fall, after a very dry Summer, the moisture will still be effective due to the continued warmer temperatures. Had it come much later, cooler temps would have negated much of the impact short term. Moisture is always welcome, but, like fixing a […]
Spot Check of Habitat Conditions
In my travels this week, I have been from Castroville to Encino, down to Pearsall, back to Falfurrias, then out to D’hanis and of course to my small place south of Castroville. Key indicators I look for are native sunflower and croton. Overall conditions are very good and remain green although there are some dry […]
Chapter 2-2. Developing Your Water Assets.
That living chunk of dirt with all its inhabitants that you just bought, now known as “The Ranch”, can get along for a time without food, but not without water. Certainly, rainfall will replenish moisture in the soil, which takes care of the amoebas, worms and insects. Others, like Bobwhites, snakes and javelina, get by […]
Chapter 2-1: What IS a Ranch?
Now that you own a ranch, what is a ranch, what is it you own? A ranch, be it 10 acres or 10,000 acres is a living machine. It takes in moisture and sunlight and converts them into food, food for animals, insects, and plants. Such a machine is known as an ecosystem. A square […]