As a certified wildlife biologist representing ranch buyers, particularly those wanting to hunt Bobwhite quail, I am often tasked with finding something in the “sand sheet”. What is the sand sheet and why does it have the reputation of being the very best quail country in Texas, or the world for that matter? The […]
Childhood Dream Comes True
As a young boy I loved the outdoors and was blessed with “woods” just outside the back door. Perhaps a thousand acres of floodplain, the land could not be developed and thus was an island in the midst of San Antonio growth to the north. I walked every acre, fought off Indians and bad guys, […]
A Ranch Contract Starts With 11 Pages of Fine Print; You Need Representation.
Ranch brokers in Texas are required to use contracts formulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission. The Farm and Ranch contract runs to 11 pages and with addendums and exhibits, can grow to 20 pages. Even at that, not every aspect of the land is addressed leaving a lot of questions. And, while calling in […]
Was Yesterday The Best Time To Buy A Ranch? Land Market Continues To Strengthen!
As a ranch buyer’s rep, I am frequently asked when the ranch market will soften or even crash with all the uncertainty in the world today. The answer is, “not yet”, and if 2008 is any indication, it won’t soften or crash. Long gone are the “mom and pop” ranches where the family had to […]
Return to School
Today I returned to St. Mary’s University to speak to seniors in the Greehey School of Business. The visit, as it was last year, is a chance for two-way communication between a decidedly seasoned businessman and the best and brightest new marketing consultants soon to be released into the real world. Primary topic was my […]