Category: Buyer Representation

Chapter 3, The Prospectus

Chapter 1-3.  The Prospectus The prospectus, or “package”, is a valuable tool in looking for a ranch.  When I started in the business back in the 80’s, packages were paper and consisted of a text description of the ranch, some deer pics, a location map, and a topo.  Now, with advances in technology, a “package” […]

Living With the Sleeping Giant, Buying a Ranch in the Eagle Ford

As a ranch broker with 25 years’ experience in South Texas, and a Certified Wildlife Biologist specializing in the red sandy country, my business has been directly impacted by the recent developments over the Eagle Ford Shale.  I remember the last oil boom, the Austin Chalk.  Although on a smaller scale, that boom occurred over […]

Chapter 2, Setting the Parameters

O.K., now you have decided on one Broker to represent you in the search for and purchase of your “dream” ranch.  You have ensured that this broker has participated in the sale/purchase of similar properties in the past in the areas you prefer. I harp on experience for several reasons, one in particular.  As a […]

Finding, Buying, and Developing a Ranch in South Texas, Chapter 1

Buying a ranch is often the greatest investment a buyer will make in his or her lifetime and should not be undertaken lightly.  Admittedly, while ranches are simply toys for some people, land ownership and the transfer of ownership is serious business.  Unlike a car, you cannot just “take it back” if you find something […]