Tag: bobwhite

Baby Fawns Everywhere, Be Careful and Hold Up On Mowing

It’s that time of year, fawns are starting to drop and we Humans need to be very observant and cautious. Fawns are left by the does between feedings, sometimes well-hidden, sometimes not. Natural camouflage works in most instances, but they can be left out in the open, too. Please refrain from shredding for a few […]

Managing Bobwhite Quail on a Smaller Tract in South Texas

   Quail are in trouble in South-Central Texas and it can be frustrating to be a quail hunter in a poor year.  Perhaps the biggest reason for the decline in quail numbers is the fragmentation of the habitat across the state combined   Sorry, but not everyone can be an heir to a big ranch and, […]

Fire and the Plow in the Deep Sandy Country Revisited

Bobwhite quail management requires attention to the weather and the calendar.