Category: deer hunting

Managing the Smaller Ranch

While it is a fact that most of us Texans or Texas-transplants cannot own a 10,000 acre spread, or a 1,000 acres for that matter, does not mean we cannot manage and enjoy what piece of this great State we are lucky enough to own. Whether you own 30 acres or 300, there are still […]

Chapter 2-1:  What IS a Ranch?

Now that you own a ranch, what is a ranch, what is it you own?  A ranch, be it 10 acres or 10,000 acres is a living machine.  It takes in moisture and sunlight and converts them into food, food for animals, insects, and plants.  Such a machine is known as an ecosystem. A square […]

6,000 Acres of the Best Hunting in South Texas

I really love my job!  Yesterday I had the pleasure of showing 6,000 acres of ideal quail habitat deep inside the King Ranch to a prospect.  We drove for miles through great habitat that, after 30 inches of rain, has never looked better.  In fact, this ranch needs only judicious grazing/burning/discing to make it the […]

Managing Wildlife in South Texas on a Budget

You cannot help but to notice that the economy is in the news. On every talk show, in every paper, and leading off most newscasts is a gloomy report on the economy. If you have not been affected, that’s great; hopefully it won’t be too bad in Texas. If it does strike home, and you […]