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Dove AND Quail In One Hunt; A Bird Dog Smorgasbord
Late season dove hunting has never been particularly productive for me, most likely because I have never really tried. The first season is easy, find a stocktank and just get comfortable. As a long time Lab owner, Ruby is my fifth, I really enjoy wing shooting over a tank and watching the dog do what […]
The South Texas Sand Sheet, What’s the Big Deal?
As a certified wildlife biologist representing ranch buyers, particularly those wanting to hunt Bobwhite quail, I am often tasked with finding something in the “sand sheet”. What is the sand sheet and why does it have the reputation of being the very best quail country in Texas, or the world for that matter? The […]
About Us
I specialize in representing either Buyers or Sellers in ranch acquisition throughout Central and South Texas. As a Certified Wildlife Biologist, I have assisted landowners across Texas with wildlife management plans and implementation, both short term projects and on a continual basis.
With years of expertise in all facets of ranch development and management, I will find your dream ranch, or ensure a smooth sale, and provide solid development plans. Whether it is a hunting ranch or working ranch, we offer a full range of wildlife consulting/management services after the deal is done.